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Registering Your Device

Getting Started: The Quick and Easy Process of Device Registration.

It is extremely important that you register your device online when you are ready to start your test.

You will need:

Commission Number: listed on the label on the postcard included in your envelope
Password: listed on the label on the postcard included in your envelope
Device Number: on the top of the “small black box” radon detector

To Start:

  1. Click the ‘Start my test’ button under the ‘Radon Testing’ tab at the top of our page.
  2. Enter the commission number, password and corresponding information. You will then begin the home metric survey.
  3. Please fill out the home metric survey to the best of your ability. Once you complete the survey, you will be directed to the laboratory website to register the device with the lab. Please ensure all your personal information is correct, paying extra attention to entering the correct email. This email will be used to receive your results.
  4. Enter the detector # and start date, floor and location. No need to enter the end date now, you’ll do that when you log back in at the end.
  5. Click ‘Save all’ in the top left-hand corner
  6. You can log in directly to the laboratory website at any time using your commission number and password to update the information. 

Ending your test:

  1. Log back in directly to the laboratory website using your commission number and password.
  2. Enter your end date.
  3. Ensure all of your information remains the same, especially your email.
  4. Click ‘save all’.

Complete! Take your devices inside the return envelope to a mailbox within 7 days of ending it.   

Question? Send us an email at [email protected] 

Reminder! Not logging your start or end date is the number one reason our participants do not receive their readings after sending their test back. However, it’s never too late! If you forget, contact us at any time with these dates and we can calculate your reading.

Where to place your device

Received a duplicate radon tester as part of our quality controls? Learn how to register both devices below. 

You will need:

Commission Number: listed on the label on the postcard included in your envelope
Password: listed on the label on the postcard included in your envelope
Device Numbers: on the top of the “small black box” radon detector 1 and radon detector 2

To Start:

  1. Click the ‘Start my test’ button under the ‘Radon Testing’ tab at the top of our page.
  2. Enter the commission number, password and corresponding information. You will then begin the home metric survey.
  3. Please fill out the home metric survey to the best of your ability. Once you complete the survey, you will be directed to the laboratory website to register both devices with the lab. Please ensure all your personal information is correct, paying extra attention to entering the correct email. This email will be used to receive your results.
  4. Enter the first detector # and start date, floor and location. 
  5. Click “Add detector row” to add the duplicate detector. The only information that will change is the detector #, the start date, floor and location will remain the same. No need to enter the end date now, you’ll do that when you log back in at the end.
  6. Click ‘Save all’ in the top left-hand corner
  7. You can log in directly to the laboratory website at any time using your commission number and password to update the information. 


  • Place BOTH detectors in the SAME location, 10 cm (4″) apart, for the SAME length of time, and return them in the SAME envelope. 
  • DO NOT place them in separate rooms, on different floors or in different houses. This will invalidate the duplicate controls. 

Ending your test:

  1. Log back in directly to the laboratory website using your commission number and password.
  2. Enter your end date for both devices.
  3. Ensure all of your information remains the same, especially your email.
  4. Click ‘save all’.

Complete! Take your devices inside the return envelope to a mailbox within 7 days of ending it.   

Question? Send us an email at [email protected] 

Reminder! Not logging your start or end date is the number one reason our participants do not receive their readings after sending their test back. However, it’s never too late! If you forget, contact us at any time with these dates and we can calculate your reading.

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