What is Radon?
Radon is an invisible, odourless, tasteless and radioactive gas that is produced in the ground. Normally, it dilutes to virtually nothing in outside air, but our modern homes, schools and workplaces are capturing and concentrating radon to unnaturally high and cancer-causing levels in indoor air.

Why should I care?
Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer amongst Canadians who have never smoked tobacco, but exposure is entirely preventable. Sadly, 126,500 Canadians since 2001 have been diagnosed with lung cancer despite never having used tobacco. Knowing your home’s radon level is the first step in ensuring that radon is not a lung cancer risk factor for you and your loved ones.

What dose of radiation are you getting from radon?
This calculator will allow you to estimate your absorbed radiation exposure based on how much radon is in your home and the amount of time you have lived in that property.

What should I do?
Test your home with Canadian scientists to help defeat this problem. The process is simple – become a citizen scientist and consent into the Evict Radon National Study, purchase a radon test device at cost, register it with our team, and place it in the lowest, regularly occupied level of your home for 90+ days.