Who should test their home for radon? What is radon? Where is radon? When should you test for radon? Why is it important to test for radon? Here’s a quick overview of radon.
Who Should Test Their Home For Radon?
Everyone! Canada contains some of the highest radon-generating soils in the world. In fact, one in five homes we have tested has had dangerously high levels of radon. If you’ve already tested for radon but it’s been more than five years or you’ve completed a major renovation, you should test again.
What is Radon?
Radon is a colourless, odourless, tasteless, invisible, carcinogenic gas that enters our homes through soil and water. Radon gas is drawn up inside our homes and concentrated at levels much higher than those found outdoors. (Note: Radon can also be present in building materials, to a lesser extent.)
Where is Radon?
Radon is present everywhere – even outdoors, where its concentration is negligible. Radon levels are typically highest the lower you go; as a result, basements often have the highest concentration of radon in a home – but that isn’t always the case. If the concentration of radon is greater than 200 Bq/m3 in any given area where occupants spend two or more hours per day (or less time if that area is used for exercise or is occupied by children as the higher your respiration rate, the greater your risk of developing radon-induced lung cancer over a prolonged period of time), it is a greater concern.
When Should I Test for Radon?
People often ask us, “When is the best time to test for radon?” Our answer is always, “Now!” You can test your home for radon at any time of the year, but the sooner you have your results the sooner you can remedy your radon levels if they are dangerously high. That said, this time of year is an optimal time to test your home for radon. Check out our “Five Reasons Why You Should Order Your Evict Radon Test Kit Right Now” blog post to learn more.
Why Should I Test for Radon?
Radon gas exposure is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in Canada and the leading cause of lung cancer among nonsmokers. If the concentration of radon in your home is greater than 200 Bq/m3, Health Canada recommends remediating within one to two years depending on the level. Radon-induced lung cancer is entirely preventable through testing and mitigation.
By testing your home with one of our non-profit, research-grade radon test kits and enrolling in our university-based research study, you are helping us gain a better understanding of radon exposure and develop new ways to protect ourselves and loved ones. Do you have questions about radon or about radon testing? Please contact us! We’d love to hear from you.