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Thank you for your interest in testing with the Evict Radon National Study

The Evict Radon National Study is a national research study involving researchers and scientific partners from across Canada who are dedicated to solving Canada’s significant and worsening radon-gas exposure problem. Radon is a substantial cause of lung cancer even in non-smokers. By testing your home with our at-cost, research-grade radon test kits and enrolling in our national, public university-based research study, you are helping researchers from across Canada to understand radon exposure and develop new ways to protect ourselves and loved ones.

Common practice stated that winter is the optimal time to radon test. However, as we collect more data, we have determined little difference between winter and spring radon testing. We do, however, encourage our participants to test over seasonal change. At this time, the best and most accurate radon readings obtained during the spring and summer months are those that are longer than 6 months. 

Why Test With Us

Driven by Research, our Mission is to Evict Radon from our Homes. 

Why test with the Evict Radon National Study?

An advantage to testing with a research project like the Evict Radon National Study is that the scientists perform hundreds of controls to ensure your radon reading is the “gold standard”. These include:

  • Blanks and un-exposed tests are put through the entire process to ensure precision and accuracy
  • Duplicates
  • Spiked positives, tests we send to the lab to ensure that devices are precise

In addition to ensuring your radon test result is as accurate as possible, your data will be used for the improvement of Canadian health and society to further research into cancer prevention. 

Everything we do and say has been approved by the Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board, which ensures that there are no conflicts of interest, that your data is held securely and safely, and that the risks of participation are both minimized and fully disclosed. 

Why do we care? 

Canada is now at the stage where it is no longer sufficient to just promote radon testing without also working towards a system-wide reduction in radon in new buildings, real behaviour change, and new protective policies. Basic radon testing programs have been delivered by many, many organizations for decades, yet Canadian homes continue to be constructed with more and more radon. Of the relatively small numbers of people who do a radon test, only about a third of people who find they are at risk will take action to reduce their exposure. Meanwhile, cases of never-smoker lung cancer also continue to rise. This must change. Thankfully, we can now help make these changes a reality. By testing your home with cancer researchers like the Evict Radon National Study team, you are helping scientists all across Canada understand radon exposure in new and deeper ways, enabling us to develop new ways to protect us all. Your participation matters.

Who is involved 

At this time, the Evict Radon National Study involves university-based researchers from across Canada.

List of the Universities and Agencies apart of the Evict Radon national study

This study is made possible by support from:

The Evict Radon National Study is supported by peer-reviewed competitive grants from multiple Canadian agencies. Our team distributes radon test kits at cost and does not take a profit from any kits sold.

Our research and outreach initiatives are supported by key funders across Canada. It is with their support that we can continue our mission to ‘evict’ radon from Canadian homes. 

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